Sunday, November 19, 2006

Welcome to The Guffaw!

Hello! My name is Rebecca Goings, and I'm a romance author. I'm also a "cartoonist", if you can call The Guffaw a cartoon. :P It all began back in the year 2000, when my husband started a website called That site is dedicated to the third edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Back then, I used to draw a comic called the "Gamer's Guffaw". Same basic premise of the single paneled comic, stick figures, and lame humor, but with a spin toward D&D and the gaming world.

When my husband sold, it was a sad day. However, he simply couldn't keep up with the workload--without being paid to do so. Therefore, we walked away and I stopped drawing the comic. Then my writing career came into play, and I never looked back at the "Guffaw", as the locals on the 3rdediton forums called it for short.

As my writing began to get popular, I considered revising the comic as a tongue-in-cheek look at the world of a romance author and her readers. But the more I thought about it, the more I thought that would limit my material for the comic, not to mention change the dynamic of what I had originally created the Gamer's Guffaw to be.

A long time ago, my husband suggested I branch out and make the comic about other geeky things, as people who are into role-playing games--9 times out of 10--are also geeks. I've freely admitted that I'm an Uber-Geek (echo echo). When my hubby suggested it, I didn't want to do the extra geeky things because I wanted the comic to stay focused on gaming and D&D. Now, though, its a most excellent idea.

With that seed of inspiration, I went back through my old comics and pulled the ones that most suited an overall "geekiness" rather than gaming. I also plan on making future comics surrounding the central theme of what it means to be a "GEEK". This means movies, TV shows, music, and pop culture are all fair game. You'll notice a lot of my comics have a "fantasy" flavor. This is pure preference. I've always loved fantasy, so if you see the random wizard or longsword, now you know why. :P Hopefully with this new take on the comic, it can speak to all of us.

I thought about changing the comic's name from the Gamer's Guffaw to the Geek's Guffaw, but why bother? It's always been known as "The Guffaw" affectionately by "the masses" of Therefore, it's new name isn't really "new" at all.

I don't have a set schedule of when I'm going to be updating this blog (yet), but check back often. I'm thinking at least once a week, maybe twice a week. We shall see. Once I figure out fitting this blog in with ALL my others (lol) I'll let you know what day(s) I plan on updating it. :)

I hope you find my quirky humor amusing, and maybe you'll stay for a bit and check out my other blogs. I've never claimed to be a stellar artist with the computer, therefore all the Guffaws will be drawn in MS Paint as they always have been. There's just something nostalgic about keeping the art silly, corny, and downright crappy. :P

Welcome to The Guffaw. May you find your inner Uber Geek.


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